AML proudly receives its Associate Membership Certificate issued by the Malta Maritime Forum during a networking event held on the 12th July. The certificates were presented by the Chairman, Judge Emeritus Joseph Zammit McKeon and CEO Mr Kevin Borg. The MMF Chairman described the certificates as “a public commitment of mutual support between the Board and the members of the Forum”.
The Malta Maritime Forum is a non-governmental organisation and is a member of the European Network of Maritime Clusters. The MMF facilitates communication between the various sectors as well as with Government, to assist and promote the development of the Maltese maritime industry. Amongst other objectives, the MMF provides a central national organization for the representation, promotion and protection of all interests pertaining to the Maritime Industry and the Blue Economy, to act as the counter-weight for the National Authority and/or Ministry solely responsible for Maritime Affairs on the Island and to actively and constructively consult and be consulted by government in the development of public policies with a view to influence National Maritime Policy now and in the future;
Each of its members has years of maritime expertise and are dedicated to advancing the industry as a whole.